Blogging 101: Promotion

Blogging 101: How to Utilise LinkedIn

Why use LinkedIn? Network with PR agents and agencies My degree is in marketing and as soon as I started…

Blogging 101: How to Utilise Instagram

With Instagram's changing algorithm and slow growth issues everyone's a bit miffed on how to actually create content which grows…

Blogging 101: How to Utilise Facebook

Unlike Twitter and Instagram, Facebook is a much slower newsfeed and often comes with slower growth. (Although recent changes have…

Blogging 101: Guide to Hootsuite

If you've been using Twitter for a while, you've probably seen people talk a lot about Buffer and Hootsuite. In…

Blogging 101: Guide to Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck is a tool where you can see your twitter feed, tweet, respond to DM's and even schedule tweets. It's…

Blogging 101: How to Utilise Twitter

Post, Post and Post So many people are posting on Twitter at every hour of every day. In order to…

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