Blogging 101: SEO

Blogging 101: SEO Audit Template

Those spam emails asking about SEO audits to get you on the first page of google can be super annoying,…

Blogging 101: Keyword Planning

Last week we talked about keyword research so this week we're going to talk about how you use that research…

Blogging 101: Post Checklist for SEO

Want to start improving your SEO game but just don't know how? Here's the post checklist I use for my…

Blogging 101: The Importance of Internal Linking

As previously discussed in our SEO Post Optimisation guide, links are important for SEO and internal linking is something you…

Blogging 101: SEO Goals

Goals are such a helpful device to help motivate you to work on something. SEO goals work exactly the same…

Blogging 101: SEO Post Optimisation

What is keyword research? Keyword research is looking for keywords or key-phrases that real people will enter into search engines…

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