
A Year of Trading 212 | Why Investing During the Lockdown Earned Me More Than Any Bank Could Offer

So I thought about investing in stocks and shares, and I found out about Trading212 which is an app (although…

My Monthly Budget | Living Alone in a London Commuter Town at 23 Years Old

Things have been happening recently for me which means my head has been stuck in my budget tracker a lot…

My Experience Investing £25 a Month in Stocks & Shares | Trading 212 App

With lockdown curbing my shopping habits I tested out Trading 212 to see what it's like to invest £25 a…

Learning to Budget

A key part of life is learning how to manage your own money and budget to fit your needs. Throughout…

Let’s talk about Money

Talking about money is one of those topics most social circles avoid but it's often helpful to hear what your…

Change Your Money Mindset

For some reason, my social accounts are always pushing me articles all about money. Whether it's the next big app…

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