
Post University Blues

For the past few years I've seen so many people finish university and graduate therefore starting their exciting new graduate…

How To Beat Procrastination

Procrastination is one of those things that just happens. No matter how hard you try, there’s always something you could…

Why is a Placement Year Important?

If you’re not sure what a placement year is, it is where you take out a year between your 2nd…

How To Read More While At University

So when I first started University, I dragged a pile of my TBR books with me to my student accommodation.…

What’s In My Uni Bag?

So it's my first day back at University after Christmas (I didn't have January exams so I got a couple…

What’s Newcastle Uni Really Like?

So I’m currently in my second year of being at Newcastle University and I’m studying Marketing and Management. I picked…

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