The Best TV Shows to Binge Watch

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to watch? I always seem to sit scrolling through Netflix trying to find something new to watch, and then sometimes I just dont feel like it. I know me, and I know the shows I do like. Some are a lot easier to binge watch when you have a free day and here’s my list of go-to binge worthy shows.


If you haven’t binge watched friends on Comedy Central when you’ve been off work/school have you even lived? Friends is also the show that I revise to because I’ve seen it so much.

Gossip Girl

Sometimes, I’m not fully sure what to watch on Netflix so I revert back to rewatching Gossip Girl episodes. There’s always something you’ve forgotten on a re watch.

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Pretty Little Liars

I spent so many hours rewatching PLL after the last season came out just to try and see all the clues about A.


With a solid 12 seasons, it’s one of the best shows to binge watch because there’s so many episodes.

Gilmore Girls

Especially with the new episodes on Netflix, Gilmore Girls is ready for a binge fest.


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