
My Experience Investing £25 a Month in Stocks & Shares | Trading 212 App

With lockdown curbing my shopping habits I tested out Trading 212 to see what it's like to invest £25 a…

July Wrap Up and August Planning | Monthly Update

July was a good month for reading but a bad month for blogging and skincare. I've read a lot but…

Sugar Tits | The Most Instagrammable and Delicious Snacks in London?

Whilst in lockdown I've defintely been feeling that urge to snack... and snack... and snack some more. So what better…

June Wrap up and Looking Forward to July | Monthly Update

June has been a bit of an up and down month for me, where being stuck in my flat defintely…

The Perfect Cold Weather Comfort Food | Chunky Beef and Veggie Stew | Slow Cooker Recipe | AD

With the current typical British spring where it's still super cold as well as grey and rainy I've been in…

Learning to Budget

A key part of life is learning how to manage your own money and budget to fit your needs. Throughout…

A Caffeine Fiend’s Guide to Newcastle Coffee Shops

Everytime I see the Tyne Bridge I get an overwhelming feeling of coming home. Whether it was driving across it…

Improve Productivity, Reduce Distractions and Get Shit Done

So you've got all these amazing ideas and projects in your head, but every time you try to put pen…

Post University Blues

For the past few years I've seen so many people finish university and graduate therefore starting their exciting new graduate…

Confessions of a Bad Friend

As I’ve grown, I’ve realised at times that I can be a bad friend. I left my friends to go…

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