
Deal with Stress

It's nearing the end of December and if you're a fellow student this means January exams are coming up. Fast.…

How to Save Money at University

As a 2nd year student I manage my money pretty well but I still get quite a few problems when…

Having a job while at university – essential or detrimental?

There's been countless debates about whether or not having a part time job is helpful or a hinderance while you're…

University Room Tour

Okay so as any one who follows me on twitter knows, I've moved into a studio flat for my 2nd…

My New (University) Year Resolutions

Although I did academically well in my first year I look back on somethings and wish I'd done them differently. I created 'new…

What I’m Looking Forward to in My 2nd Year

After my 1st year of university flying by - which I'm still in shock about by the way - I'm…

What You Actually Need for University – By a Student for Students

There’s a lot of lists of what you need to have while at University, and while some of these are…

Why is work experience important? And how has it helped me?

I’m sure many of you have heard about the importance of work experience, internships and placements before but I wanted…

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