Personal Development

Sorry, Not Sorry

Apologising too much is often ingrained into our personalities, as much as any other common phrase is. Saying sorry is…


This year I have decided that I'm not going to hear the word Bitch in a negative way. There's always been…

Make Your Weekend Productive

Every weekend is a working weekend when you have a blog. I currently have a full time job, so I'm…

Working 25 Hours a Day, 9 Days a Week

Learn to manage your workload more efficiently 'New Year, New Me' is all well and good when you talk about…

Setting Goals for 2018

Blog Goals | Twitter | Current: 654 followers Goal:  2000 followers Anyone else feel like a bad blogger when they…

Adulting: Am I Ready?

Today I turn 21 and I remember a whole year ago thinking 'Now I'm officialy no longer a teenager'. I…

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