Personal Development

Improve Productivity, Reduce Distractions and Get Shit Done

So you've got all these amazing ideas and projects in your head, but every time you try to put pen…

Confessions of a Bad Friend

As I’ve grown, I’ve realised at times that I can be a bad friend. I left my friends to go…

How To Beat Procrastination

Procrastination is one of those things that just happens. No matter how hard you try, there’s always something you could…

How to Beat Your Afternoon Slump

You know how it is as you reach about 2-3pm and start falling into that afternoon slump. You start desperately…

Falling Out Of Love With Blogging

You may have noticed that I've started to become a little inconsistent around here. Both before and after my month…

So Little Time

src="" alt="" We've all thought it I'm sure. 'I don't have time' is such a common thought and phrase but…

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