Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Uptown Oracle Reads… Shadow of the Fox

One thousand years ago, the great Kami Dragon was summoned to grant a single terrible wish—and the land of Iwagoto…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Ace of Shades

Welcome to the City of Sin, where casino families reign, gangs infest the streets… and secrets hide in every shadow. Enne Salta…

Uptown Oracle Reads… The Diminished

In the Alskad Empire, nearly all are born with a twin, two halves to form one whole…yet some face the…

Uptown Oracle Reads…. Zenith

Androma Racella, the Bloody Baroness, is a powerful mercenary whose reign of terror stretches across the Mirabel Galaxy. But when…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Legion

Legion is the penultimate book of the Talon series by Julia Kagawa, and it's really bringing the action. I feel…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Soldier

The third book of the Talon Series, Soldier, has exceeded the previous two books  in my eyes. Although smaller than…

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