Publisher: HarperTeen

Uptown Oracle Reads… The Sky Weaver | A Dazzling Tale of Dragons, Pirates and Gods

The Sky Weaver brings back Safire as a link to the previous books, and includes what happens to the other…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Through the White Wood

This book encapsulates Slavic folklore and is done in a way which shows off these creatures and stories in a…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Evermore

After Everless, I was so excited to read Evermore and find out more about the world. I wanted to know…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Beyond a Darkened Shore

The ancient land of Éirinn is mired in war. Ciara, Princess of Mide, has never known a time when Éirinn’s…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Winter Glass

A curse comes undone. A kingdom shatters. But some bonds can’t be broken. Princess Aurora, torn from the dream world, plots…

Uptown Oracle Reads… Winterfolk

Rain is a homeless teen living with her father in the woods outside Seattle, near a community of other homeless…

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